Sunday 7 April 2013

Some food for thought

Yet some more looking into the spread of English as an international language and the potential downsides of this trend.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

A World of Englishes II

And just to show you that you were right and English is not always easy to understand, however good your listening skills are, check the following video. It will show you that your pronunciation is not as bad as you thought.

A World of Englishes I

Have you ever stopped to think how widespread English is? Yes, we are all used to hearing how English is the international language of business, science, commerce and whatnot. And we're all also used to hearing how speakers of English as a foreign or second language are shaping it. But English is already incredibly rich and varied as a first or official language, as you can easily imagine if you consider the map below.


Come join me and take a plunge into English!

Learning languages has never been more readily available or more fun, so let's make the best of the world of resources we have at our hands!