Wednesday 1 November 2017

Halloween and Samhain: one tradition

Long time no write! It was high time I caught up a little on my blogging!

Yesterday many schools around us here in Galicia celebrated SamaĆ­n (you can find ideas for primary and pre-primary on the CEIP Pintor Laxeiro website, for secondary on the IES San Paio website or our own pumpkin carving workshop and contest at EOI Pontevedra - A Estrada), whose English language version would be Samhain. Honestly, I was quite surprised to find that my students were not aware of the close ties between Samhain and Halloween. They tended to think of the latter as highly commercialised and rather banal, whereas the former was seen as a more deeply-ingrained tradition, representative of long-held cultural values. Who can blame them, though?

So I thought I might as well throw a little light on the connection between the two celebrations with an interesting article and the video below, both of them tracing the modern celebration back to Celtic times (the link seems pretty obvious now, right?).

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